Handicap Now | 7.46 |
Handicap Before | 7.46 |
| This Round Ranks |
10 | out of your last 20 rounds. |
2 | out of 3 at Copperpoint |
9 | out of 17 for 2021. |
32 | out of all of your 61 rounds. |
Hole Information Not Found Latest Rounds |
Latest Rounds | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Avg | Diff | PB | You have previously played Copper Point 2 times. You shot a little worse than your average. Boo!
All Courses | 83 | 82 | 88 | 79 | 78 | 82.0 | 1.0 | 75 |
At Copper Point | 79 | 88 | | | | 83.5 | -0.5 | 79 |
Course Records |
Copper Point | Name | Score | You are in Tier 1, the elite.
You didn't beat the record of 79, but at least you already have it.
Course Record | Mike | 79 |
Tier 2 Record | Jay | 90 |
Tier 3 Record | Adam | 100 |
Competition |
Rank | Player | Teebox | Score | Handicap | Course/Tee Adj | Adjusted Score |
1 | Rob | White | 91 | 24.01 | 23.83 | 67.17 | 2 | Adam | White | 91 | 22.54 | 22.23 | 68.77 | 3 | Brad | White | 93 | 22.91 | 22.64 | 70.36 | 4 | Jay | White | 85 | 14.30 | 13.27 | 71.73 | 5 | Steve | White | 84 | 9.00 | 7.50 | 76.50 | 6 | Lance | White | 85 | 9.70 | 8.26 | 76.74 | 7 | Mike | White |
83 | 7.46 | 5.82 | 77.18 | 8 | Sean | White | 90 | 11.98 | 10.74 | 79.26 | Commentary |
You lost to Rob? Really? You have brought shame upon your family... You ended up ranking in spot 7, and lost by 10 strokes. You needed to shoot 72 to win. |
Competition Scoreboard for Mike for 2021 |
Player | Rounds Together | Handicapped Wins | Outright Wins |
Lance | 8/17 (47%) | 3-5 (38%) | 7-1 (88%) | Steve | 12/17 (71%) | 4-8 (33%) | 8-4 (67%) | Jay | 7/17 (41%) | 3-4 (43%) | 7-0 (100%) | Rob | 2/17 (12%) | 0-2 (0%) | 2-0 (100%) | Sean | 4/17 (24%) | 1-3 (25%) | 2-2 (50%) | Adam | 2/17 (12%) | 0-2 (0%) | 2-0 (100%) | Brad | 2/17 (12%) | 0-2 (0%) | 2-0 (100%) |
We take your best 8 scores from the last 20 factoring tee box and course difficulty | We calculate using your score minus the Course Rating(CR) X 113 divided by the Course Slope(CS) | #1 Jun 19 | Rank 10 | 83 - COPPERPOINT | W |
Diff:68.7/123 Top 73% | Adjusted= | 13.14 | #2 Jun 18 | Rank 14 | 83 - RADIUMSPRINGS | W |
Diff:68/118 Top 91% | Adjusted= | 14.36 | #3 Jun 15 | Rank 9 | 82 - COLONIALE | W |
Diff:69.8/130 Top 42% | Adjusted= | 10.6 | #4 Jun 9 | Rank 17 | 88 - QUARRY | W |
Diff:70.7/126 Top 50% | Adjusted= | 15.52 | #5 Jun 8 | Rank 5 | 79 - COLONIALE | W |
Diff:69.8/130 Top 42% | Adjusted= | 8 | #6 Jun 2 | Rank 3 | 78 - WHITETAIL | W |
Diff:70.4/131 Top 35% | Adjusted= | 6.56 | #7 Jun 1 | Rank 19 | 88 - REDTAIL | W |
Diff:70.1/121 Top 72% | Adjusted= | 16.72 | #8 May 30 | Rank 4 | 81 - NORTHERNBEAR | B |
Diff:72.7/132 Top 20% | Adjusted= | 7.11 | #9 May 27 | Rank 16 | 84 - SILVERCREEK | W |
Diff:68.9/114 Top 94% | Adjusted= | 14.97 | #10 May 7 | Rank 12 | 83 - JAGARERIDGE | W |
Diff:68.3/125 Top 70% | Adjusted= | 13.29 | #11 May 6 | Rank 20 | 84 - CAMROSE | W |
Diff:67.1/114 Top 96% | Adjusted= | 16.75 | #12 May 4 | Rank 18 | 87 - REDTAIL | W |
Diff:70.1/121 Top 72% | Adjusted= | 15.78 | #13 Apr 26 | Rank 1 | 75 - COLONIALE | W |
Diff:69.8/130 Top 42% | Adjusted= | 4.52 | #14 Apr 17 | Rank 6 | 81 - COALCREEK | B |
Diff:71.7/127 Top 40% | Adjusted= | 8.27 | #15 Apr 16 | Rank 13 | 83 - MONTGLEN | W |
Diff:67.9/119 Top 88% | Adjusted= | 14.34 | #16 Apr 6 | Rank 8 | 80 - MILLWOODS | W |
Diff:69.9/118 Top 84% | Adjusted= | 9.67 | #17 Apr 1 | Rank 2 | 77 - RANCH | B |
Diff:69.9/128 Top 48% | Adjusted= | 6.27 | #18 Oct 8 | Rank 7 | 82 - REDTAIL | B |
Diff:71.7/125 Top 47% | Adjusted= | 9.31 | #19 Sep 23 | Rank 15 | 86 - REDTAIL | W |
Diff:70.1/121 Top 72% | Adjusted= | 14.85 | #20 Sep 18 | Rank 11 | 85 - COLONIALE | W |
Diff:69.8/130 Top 42% | Adjusted= | 13.21 | #21 Sep 11 | Too Old | 88 - COLONIALE | W |
Diff:69.8/130 Top 42% | Adjusted= | 15.82 | #22 Sep 4 | Too Old | 79 - WOLFCREEKOLD | B |
Diff:68.7/126 Top 64% | Adjusted= | 9.24 | #23 Aug 24 | Too Old | 80 - REDTAIL | W |
Diff:70.1/121 Top 72% | Adjusted= | 9.25 | #24 Aug 19 | Too Old | 88 - COALCREEK | W |
Diff:69.2/121 Top 76% | Adjusted= | 17.56 | #25 Aug 5 | Too Old | 81 - REDTAIL | B |
Diff:71.7/125 Top 47% | Adjusted= | 8.41 | #26 Aug 1 | Too Old | 82 - COLONIALE | W |
Diff:69.8/130 Top 42% | Adjusted= | 10.6 | #27 Jul 30 | Too Old | 88 - NORTHERNBEAR | W |
Diff:69.5/124 Top 68% | Adjusted= | 16.86 | #28 Jul 29 | Too Old | 83 - REDTAIL | B |
Diff:71.7/125 Top 47% | Adjusted= | 10.22 | #29 Jul 28 | Too Old | 81 - COLONIALE | W |
Diff:69.8/130 Top 42% | Adjusted= | 9.74 | #30 Jul 22 | Too Old | 78 - REDTAIL | B |
Diff:71.7/125 Top 47% | Adjusted= | 5.7 | Add up your top 8, which gives us 59.71 then divide by 8 and boom your handicap is 7.46 |