Lance The Ranch Friday August 30th 2013 White - 67.4/123 Top 82% Difficulty |
Handicap Now | 28.36 |
Handicap Before | 28.36 |
| This Round Ranks |
4 | out of your last 20 rounds. |
1 | out of 1 at Ranch |
4 | out of 5 for 2013. |
4 | out of all of your 5 rounds. | |
Hole Information Not Found Latest Rounds |
Latest Rounds | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Avg | Diff | PB | This is your first time playing The Ranch. I hope you liked it. I've set 106 as your new personal best for The Ranch.
You shot a little worse than your average. Boo!
All Courses | 93 | 110 | 102 | 102 | | 101.8 | 4.2 | 93 |
At The Ranch | | | | | | 0 | | 106 |
Course Records |
The Ranch | Name | Score | You are in Tier 1, the elite.
You missed the record by -94 strokes.
Course Record | No one | 200 |
Tier 2 Record | No one | 200 |
Tier 3 Record | No one | 200 |
Competition Scoreboard for Lance for 2013 |
Player | Rounds Together | Handicapped Wins | Outright Wins |
We take your best 8 scores from the last 20 factoring tee box and course difficulty | We calculate using your score minus the Course Rating(CR) X 113 divided by the Course Slope(CS) | #1 Aug 30 | Rank 4 | 106 - RANCH | W |
Diff:67.4/123 Top 82% | Adjusted= | 35.46 | #2 Aug 15 | Rank 1 | 93 - VICTORIA | W |
Diff:67.4/102 Top 98% | Adjusted= | 28.36 | #3 Aug 5 | Rank 5 | 110 - LEWISESTATES | W |
Diff:68.5/121 Top 82% | Adjusted= | 38.76 | #4 Jul 21 | Rank 2 | 102 - LEWISESTATES | W |
Diff:68.5/121 Top 82% | Adjusted= | 31.29 | #5 Jul 15 | Rank 3 | 102 - LEWISESTATES | W |
Diff:68.5/121 Top 82% | Adjusted= | 31.29 | Add up your top 8, which gives us 165.16 then divide by 8 and boom your handicap is 20.65 |