Handicap Now | 29.85 |
Handicap Before | 30.67 |
| This Round Ranks |
| out of your last 20 rounds. |
3 | out of 6 at Huntersgreen |
| out of 2 for 2017. |
4 | out of all of your 27 rounds. | |
Hole Information Not Found Latest Rounds |
Latest Rounds | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Avg | Diff | PB | You have previously played Cattail Crossing 5 times. You were only 3.0 strokes away from your PERSONAL BEST, so close.
You were only 2.0 strokes away from your PB at Cattail Crossing.
Wowza, you shot A FUCKLOAD better than latest average. Very well done, keep it up baby!
All Courses | 100 | 102 | 98 | 109 | 107 | 103.2 | -6.2 | 94 |
At Cattail Crossing | 96 | 123 | 105 | 95 | 101 | 104.0 | -7.0 | 95 |
Course Records |
Cattail Crossing | Name | Score | You are in Tier 3, the fun group.
You didn't beat the record of 95, but at least you already have it.
Course Record | Steve | 87 |
Tier 2 Record | Jay | 89 |
Tier 3 Record | Rob | 95 |
Competition |
Rank | Player | Teebox | Score | Handicap | Course/Tee Adj | Adjusted Score |
1 | Rob | White |
97 | 30.67 | 29.13 | 67.87 | 2 | Sean | White | 89 | 21.61 | 19.67 | 69.33 | 3 | Jay | White | 90 | 19.83 | 17.81 | 72.19 | 4 | Adam | White | 104 | 27.29 | 25.60 | 78.40 | Commentary |
Wow, you're the winner! Please invite the rest of the group to suck it, respectfully of course. |
Competition Scoreboard for Rob for 2017 |
Player | Rounds Together | Handicapped Wins | Outright Wins |
Jay | 2/2 (100%) | 2-0 (100%) | 0-2 (0%) | Adam | 1/2 (50%) | 1-0 (100%) | 1-0 (100%) | Sean | 1/2 (50%) | 1-0 (100%) | 0-1 (0%) |