Handicap Now | 22.92 |
Handicap Before | 22.92 |
| This Round Ranks |
9 | out of your last 20 rounds. |
1 | out of 1 at Quarry |
| out of 3 for 2020. |
10 | out of all of your 35 rounds. | |
Hole Information Not Found Latest Rounds |
Latest Rounds | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Avg | Diff | PB | This is your first time playing The Quarry. I hope you liked it. I've set 100 as your new personal best for The Quarry.
Uh oh, you shot 6.2 more than your average. Time for lessons maybe...
All Courses | 93 | 97 | 100 | 95 | 84 | 93.8 | 6.2 | 84 |
At The Quarry | | | | | | 0 | | 100 |
Course Records |
The Quarry | Name | Score | You are in Tier 3, the fun group.
You just snagged the Tier 2 Course Record! Congrats man!<You just snagged the Tier 3 Course Record! Congrats man! |
Course Record | Lance | 93 |
Tier 2 Record | Brad | 104 |
Tier 3 Record | Brad | 104 |
Competition Scoreboard for Adam for 2020 |
Player | Rounds Together | Handicapped Wins | Outright Wins |